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    What are some of the negative effects of Silicon Valley Brain Hacking for Students and Executives? And what are the best solutions to protect our Health and Wellness?

    October 22, 2021

October 22, 2021

What are some of the negative effects of Silicon Valley Brain Hacking for Students and Executives? And what are the best solutions to protect our Health and Wellness?

What are some of the negative effects of Silicon Valley Brain Hacking for Students and Executives? And what are the best solutions to protect our Health and Wellness?


*This Research was paid for by www.CannabisWellnessParty.com and www.BobCapella.com


The Effect And Solution To Silicon Valley Brain Hacking

In order to make users stay more on some company’s app, tech experts decided to implant brain hacking devices into their app or device. When this phenomenon occurs, you begin to notice a sort of technology addiction as users engage in risky behaviors.

A former designer at Google, Tristan Harris, expresses that most tech companies use this design to hijack client’s minds and form a habit. For example, when a person constantly refreshes a slot machine (mobile phone) in search of constant updates, this indicates brain hacking.

Some adverse effects of silicon valley brain hacking

It alters human nature


Although neurotechnology is an effective technological advancement feature. However, these activities alter basic characteristics that differentiate humans from animals. According to research, some of these traits include low cognitive reasoning, lack of moral judgment, no emotional reception, etc. When people integrate with machines, there are changes in basic human perception which might create a hubristic notion.

People began to make decisions without the risk of thought or feelings

Despite the numerous benefits of technology, too much exposure to these devices could adversely affect individuals. The influence of neurotechnology makes students and company executives make decisions without thought or feeling. Instead, they base their judgment on updates and trends which might affect their intended outcome.

 As human nature, emotions enable making the right decision, but electrical stimulation from brain hacking makes you think you have impaired autonomy when making a proper decision. Statistics show that social media has been among the leading cause of high suicide rates in the last decade.

It might affect the user’s autonomy

Although there is still ongoing research on how silicon valley brain hacking affects human autonomy, researcher Mill Jackson in 1859, said the power of reasoning freely could not be considered without understanding the long-term effect of technology use.

Neurotechnology affects the brain, making it difficult to make an informative decision without considering people’s opinions on social media. Furthermore, these activities affect people’s moral role as altered decisions result from neurochemical processes that impair autonomy. Philosopher Dr. O’Neil said a proper decision must be free from any sort of pressure.

Brain hacking enhances the potential collection of information for tech companies

Tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., utilize the advantage of user access on their platform to collect data that targets customers economically or mentally. There are indications that Facebook is planning to delve into neurotechnology fields like Neuralink, Kernel, etc.

A lot of tech companies provide third-party information without the customer knowing. The intended Facebook project will enable individuals to base their judgment on societal acceptance and collect user’s neural data. However, this approach might lead to low self-esteem or cause woeful performances in student’s education. 

Increased neurotechnology activities give room for hackers.

Genuine autonomy requires utmost privacy. Unfortunately, brain hacking makes your health, social, or financial details vulnerable to fraudsters. Hackers can use malware to extract facts and attack your interest. To protect your information as an executive from dangerous precedent, involve legal services or use platforms with strict policies. 

Possible Solution to silicon valley brain hacking

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), measures to protect your neural data must be political and technological. Most companies do not explain how they anonymize users’ data, so you need to ensure prompt information privacy to avoid your data sales.

Rafael Yuste, a Columbia University neurobiologist, suggests there should be strict regulations that prohibit the sales of human data. Furthermore, technological measures like blockchains prevent the processing of information in a centralized database. Researchers at the University of Washington suggest that a brain-machine can limit its information relay on a control device and only transfer relevant details required at hand using blockchain.


Consumers are the ones that make final decisions on the use of technological devices. However, students and executives should understand that the security of your details and mental health is vital before using technological devices. With different laws around countries, a global consensus approach is the best to end the brain hacking menace.









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