August 18, 2020
WTH? KAABOO canceled and Replace with KAABOB WTH? is KAABOB
Experience the power of brand-boosting with our Cannabis Wellness Party Formula!
In September 2020, KAABOO was canceled because of the 2020 Global Pandemic…
KAABOO San Diego is a multi-genre music and arts festival in California.
This misfortune inspired the Cannabis Wellness Party to create a series of 420 Friendly parity events called KAABOb flip the script of KAABOO.
Fitness Retreats, Bus Tours & Live Events!!!
Get High and Healthy with the Best Brands in town.
Enjoy a day filled with Music, Food, and Fun!
Powered by @MindBodyPhysique and @BobCapella
August 18, 2020
WTF? KAABOO Canceled
WTF? KAABOO Canceled
@CannabisWellnessParty here to save the day.
KAABOb inspired by KAABOO
Fitness Retreat, Bus Tours & Live Events all in one…
Get High and Healthy with the Best Brands in town.
Powered by @MindBodyPhysique & @BobCapella
We’ll see ya there 🙂