August 4, 2022

Press Release Norml Good Vibes World Wide Network Collaboration

We would like to announce that, The Remedy: Kush Wellness Lounge and The Good Vibes World Wide Network are Collaborating with the San Diego Norml Chapter led by Linda Davies and Ed Wicker of Wicker Law Group. In this Collaboration Norml is leveraging their 50 years of experience coupled with the softer more inclusive approach to our Cannabis Community. 

Good Vibes World Wide is an Philanthropic Team building engine led by Carolyn Carebear Corado bringing healing to the masses. In New. Familiar. And Exciting Ways!

The Remedy: Kush Wellness Lounge led by Anthony Jones is an alternative for people to enjoy the pleasures of being at a bar, lounge, or club, but with a twist… Green Leaf!!!

The NORML Legal Committee (NLC) is composed of attorneys committed to the overall goals of NORML. These top-notch criminal defense lawyers regularly defend individuals charged with marijuana offenses, and they frequently provide pro bono assistance in important or unusual cases which may set favorable legal precedent or otherwise impact public policy. NORML lawyers have won many victories in the fight to legalize marijuana for all adults. led by Jedi Steve is infusing Generosity, Collaboration & Wellness into the Cannabis Industry!!!

For more informations on future events and actions Call Jedi Steve at 619-765-8403


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