August 4, 2022
Press Release Norml Good Vibes World Wide Network Collaboration
We would like to announce that, The Remedy: Kush Wellness Lounge and The Good Vibes World Wide Network are Collaborating with the San Diego Norml Chapter led by Linda Davies and Ed Wicker of Wicker Law Group. In this Collaboration Norml is leveraging their 50 years of experience coupled with the softer more inclusive approach to our Cannabis Community.
Good Vibes World Wide is an Philanthropic Team building engine led by Carolyn Carebear Corado bringing healing to the masses. In New. Familiar. And Exciting Ways!
The Remedy: Kush Wellness Lounge led by Anthony Jones is an alternative for people to enjoy the pleasures of being at a bar, lounge, or club, but with a twist… Green Leaf!!!
The NORML Legal Committee (NLC) is composed of attorneys committed to the overall goals of NORML. These top-notch criminal defense lawyers regularly defend individuals charged with marijuana offenses, and they frequently provide pro bono assistance in important or unusual cases which may set favorable legal precedent or otherwise impact public policy. NORML lawyers have won many victories in the fight to legalize marijuana for all adults. led by Jedi Steve is infusing Generosity, Collaboration & Wellness into the Cannabis Industry!!!
For more informations on future events and actions Call Jedi Steve at 619-765-8403
April 29, 2022
Police Breathing for Peace #PoliceBreathing4Peace
Police Breathing for Peace #PoliceBreathing4Peace
This is the story of how the Covid-19 pandemic opened me up to All Lives Matter Breathing for Peace. For Free Report CLICk Here!!!
Police Breathing for Peace a Heart Centered Approach to inspiring Peaceful Warriors!!!
My name is Stephen T. Jones, aka Jedi Steve; I specialize in Team Building, Marketing, and Socially Responsible Entertainment.
April 29, 2022
Police Breathing for Peace #PoliceBreathing4Peace
This is the story of how the Covid-19 pandemic opened me up to All Lives Matter Breathing for Peace. For Free Report CLICk Here!!!
Police Breathing for Peace a Heart Centered Approach to inspiring Peaceful Warriors!!!
Police Breathing for Peace #PoliceBreathing4Peace
My name is Stephen T. Jones, aka Jedi Steve; I specialize in Team Building, Marketing, and Socially Responsible Entertainment.
January 24, 2022
What Negative Effects Are Caused from Blue Light?
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January 24, 2022
Cannabis Wellness Party Research, Are humans electrical beings?
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#WeedMarketing #BobMarley #GanjaActivist #CannabisCommunity #WeedGrower
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January 24, 2022
The Effect And Solution To Silicon Valley Brain Hacking
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#WeedMarketing #BobMarley #GanjaActivist #CannabisCommunity #WeedGrower
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November 3, 2021
What Negative Effects Are Caused from Blue Light from Computers and Smart Phones?
What Negative Effects Are Caused from Blue Light from Computers and Smart Phones?
What is Blue Light?
Not all colors of light have the same effect. Blue wavelengths—which are beneficial during daylight hours because they boost attention, reaction times, and mood—seem to be the most disruptive at night. And the proliferation of electronics with screens, as well as energy-efficient lighting, is increasing our exposure to blue wavelengths, especially after sundown.
*This Research was paid for by
Sunlight is made up of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet light. When combined, it becomes the white light we see. Each of these has a different energy and wavelength. Rays on the red end have longer wavelengths and less energy. On the other end, blue rays have shorter wavelengths and more energy. Light that looks white can have a large blue component, which can expose the eye to a higher amount of wavelength from the blue end of the spectrum.
The largest source of blue light is sunlight. In addition, there are many other sources:
- Fluorescent light
- CFL (compact fluorescent light) bulbs
- LED light
- Flat screen LED televisions
- Computer monitors, smart phones, and tablet screens
Blue light exposure you receive from screens is small compared to the amount of exposure from the sun. And yet, there is concern over the long-term effects of screen exposure because of the close proximity of the screens and the length of time spent looking at them. According to a recent NEI-funded study, children’s eyes absorb more blue light than adults from digital device screens.
How Does Blue Light Affect the Eyes?
Almost all visible blue light passes through the cornea and lens and reaches the retina. This light may affect vision and could prematurely age the eyes. Early research shows that too much exposure to blue light could lead to:
Digital eyestrain
Blue light from computer screens and digital devices can decrease contrast leading to digital eyestrain. Fatigue, dry eyes, bad lighting, or how you sit in front of the computer can cause eyestrain. Symptoms of eyestrain include sore or irritated eyes and difficulty focusing.
Retina damage
Studies suggest that continued exposure to blue light over time could lead to damaged retinal cells. This can cause vision problems like age-related macular degeneration.
What are the Relevant Solutions Backed by Science?
How you can protect your eyes from Blue Light. If constant exposure to blue light from smart phones, tablets, and computer screens is an issue, there are a few ways to protect your eyes from exposure to blue light:
Screen time
Try to decrease the amount of time spent in front of these screens and/or take frequent breaks to give your eyes a rest.
Screen filters are available for smart phones, tablets, and computer screens. They decrease the amount of blue light given off from these devices that could reach the retina in our eyes.
Computer glasses
Computer glasses with yellow-tinted lenses that block blue light can help ease computer digital eye strain by increasing contrast.
Anti-reflective lenses
Anti-reflective lenses reduce glare and increase contrast and also block blue light from the sun and digital devices.
Intraocular lens (IOL)
After cataract surgery, the cloudy lens will be replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL). The lens naturally protects the eye from almost all ultraviolet light and some blue light. There are types of IOL that can protect the eye and retina from blue light.
Talk to an eye care professional about options about ways to protect your family and your eyes from blue light.
Use dim red lights for night lights
Red light has the least power to shift circadian rhythm and suppress melatonin and avoid looking at bright screens beginning two to three hours before bed.
October 27, 2021
What are 7 Powerful Breathing Techniques And Their Benefits?
Breathing is an essential aspect of mindfulness and meditation. It is the reason why most individuals feel amazing during yoga class rather than other aerobics practices. During this exercise, try to control your breathing to enjoy the best benefit.
Studies show that oxygen performs a vital role in resetting the body, spirit, and mind making you feel refreshed. Combining this advantage with meditation or other practices makes an individual feel reborn.
*This research was paid for by and
All breathing techniques are not equal, as some require proper practice to enjoy maximum benefit. During mindfulness or meditation, here are some breathing techniques to use for general wellness;
The yoga breathing technique
If you practice yoga regularly, it is essential to learn this technique. Although there are different styles of yoga, this practice is effective across different ranges and helps calm the mind.
The yoga breathing practice helps to replenish fresh oxygen. To get the best experience, breathe in slowly, pause for a few seconds, breath out slowly, and pause for a few seconds again. As stated before, this breathing is best with yoga practices.
As you inhale and undergo this process, you connect the energy in the body to open up cells and organs for the body’s overall well-being. Effective yoga breathing practices help trigger a stress response in the body and deplete energy.
Equal breathing
It’s also known as equal ratio breathing or samavritti. The purpose of this technique is to ensure inhalation, internal & external retention, and exhalation. It creates awareness of prana flow for general well-being, calms the body, and makes an individual concentrate during meditation.
To practice this technique, find a quiet place and sit in a position allowing your spine upright. Rest both hands on your legs and palm up the index fingertips. Monitor your natural breath for the first few minutes, after which you inhale and take six counts, hold your breath for 4 seconds and exhale. If you notice any struggling while holding your breath, lower the count to 2 or 3 seconds.
Try the same process for a while and after a few rounds, observe changes in your body and mind. As a beginner, you can practice without the retentions. In addition, individuals with high blood pressure, eye, lungs, or heart issues should not hold their breath.
Count for four breathing
This breathing technique is effective for meditation. It involves counting to four and counting backward at a single time. Some individuals use alphabets; you can select which suits your preference.
For count one breath in, count two breaths out, and follow this sequence till you reach the fourth number and count backward. You can do this counting in your mind and if you notice any struggling with the breath, take it gently.
Abdominal breathing
Try abdominal breathing if you are new to meditation or yoga and looking for the most straightforward breathing technique to make your body fit. However, you can try this technique depending on preference, as some experts affirm it reduces stress.
Similarly, it does not consume time or require much procedure making it one of the best breathing techniques to revitalize yourself while at home. Steps to achieve abdominal breathing include; placing a hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, taking a deep breath, and feeling as the air infiltrates your diaphragm with the hand on your stomach. Finally, gently breathe out.
The stimulating breath
Most individuals prefer stimulating breath because it increases energy and alertness in the body. However, it requires a bit of practice within a short while; you will be perfect in it. Nevertheless, stimulating breath is a good technique you should try soon.
The steps to this technique include; quickly breathing in and breathing out. Some professionals said three seconds for inhalation and another three for exhalation is enough after the three seconds duration increases to five or another number depending on your preference till you reach a minute. Note that the inhalation and exhalation time should be the same.
Alternate nostril breathing
As the name implies, it is a breathing technique effective for yoga or meditation—alternate nostril breathing helps to reenergize the spirit, mind, and body. Steps include; plug with either your right or left nostrils, take a deep breath through the other nostrils that are free, and slowly exhale; repeat the same process for the other.
Skull shining breath
This technique is known as Kapalabhati. It helps to warm up the body, mind and shake off negative energy. You can try this practice early in the morning before you begin your yoga or meditation class. The step includes taking a long breath in and letting out a powerful exhale. Then, repeat this process at least three more times.
Numerous breathing techniques help to revitalize general wellbeing. However, the listed breathing helps to energize your body and soul. If you experience any challenge during this practice, consider taking the steps slowly.
October 24, 2021
How do Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies Influence the Body and Mind?
How do Binaural Beats and Solfeggio Frequencies Influence the Body and Mind?
*This research was paid for by and
Binaural beats are like optical illusions for sounds. When your left ear hears a slightly different tone from your right ear, you perceive a beat not present in the music you listen to. These binaural beats (from Latin “with both ears”) have been peddled as “digital drugs”, producing all sorts of effects from improving sleep to enhancing your memory.
For example, recently the pharmaceutical company Bayer, manufacturer of Aspirin, put seven files of binaural beats on its Austrian website. The idea: by making you relax, the beats may put you in a relaxed state, which could alleviate headaches. But it is far from certain whether this idea – and many others about binaural beats – hold true. The beat is low and steady – but it’s all just in my head… While I’m sitting on my couch, listening to some smooth jazz, there is a faint beat in the background. It doesn’t seem remarkable – except for the fact that I can’t hear the beat from my headphones. Instead, I sense it in the center of my brain.
Frequency refers to the speed at which a wave completes a full cycle in one second. These waves are measured in hertz (Hz) and we use different frequencies to find pitch and tune. Different measurements of hertz are meant to subconsciously affect our mind and even evoke certain feelings just by listening to that sound. Specific frequencies can evoke different feelings.
There are a specific set of frequencies known as “Solfeggio frequencies” that are each linked to a different state or sensation. With a total of nine different frequencies the sensations are quite different and even progressing from one state to the next.
Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in uperfect harmony.
The Idea behind these frequencies is that you can use them subliminally or build an entire song around it in order to evoke specific feelings within a listener. While some of these vibrations are supposedly able to be used for healing purposes they can be used to give a listener the same feeling that a character in a game should be experiencing. Allowing the player to relate to the character in game on a subconscious level goes beyond normal empathy that an individual would experience.
Most of us live the majority of our lives in a state of primarily beta brain waves – aroused, alert, concentrated, but also somewhat stressed. When we lower the brain wave frequency to alpha, we can put ourselves in an ideal condition to learn new information, perform more elaborate tasks, learn languages, analyze complex situations and even be in what sports psychologists call “The Zone”, which is a state of improved focus and performance in athletic competitions or exercise. Part of this is because being the slightly decreased electrical activity in the brain can lead to significant increases in feel-good brain chemicals like endorphins, norepinephrine and dopamine.
So, for example, when you meditate, you are focusing on something, whether it’s a candle flame or your breath going in or out, or a mantra or a prayer. When you focus like that, the electrical patterns in your brain slow down and relax, and the amplitude of your brain-waves generally stabilizes in the alpha wave range.
Brainwave entrainment is any method that causes your brainwave frequencies to fall into step with a specific frequency. It’s based on the concept that the human brain has a tendency to change its dominant EEG frequency towards the frequency of a dominant external stimulus (such as music, or sound).
The type of sound frequencies that are typically used in brainwave entrainment are called “binaural” beats. The way that these work is that two tones close in frequency generate a beat frequency at the difference of the frequencies.
I know this sounds complicated, but it’s pretty simple to understand when you think about it. For example, a 495 Hz audio tone and 505 Hz audio tone (whether overlaid in music or in a sound frequency) will produce a 10 Hz beat, roughly in the middle of the alpha brain wave range, like this:
How Binaural Beats Affect Your Brain – and How They Don’t
The beat is low and steady – but it’s all just in my head… While I’m sitting on my couch, listening to some smooth jazz, there is a faint beat in the background. It doesn’t seem remarkable – except for the fact that I can’t hear the beat from my headphones. Instead, I sense it in the center of my brain.
Binaural beats are like optical illusions for sounds. When your left ear hears a slightly different tone from your right ear, you perceive a beat not present in the music you listen to. These binaural beats (from Latin “with both ears”) have been peddled as “digital drugs”, producing all sorts of effects from improving sleep to enhancing your memory.
For example, recently the pharmaceutical company Bayer, manufacturer of Aspirin, put seven files of binaural beats on its Austrian website. The idea: by making you relax, the beats may put you in a relaxed state, which could alleviate headaches. But it is far from certain whether this idea – and many others about binaural beats – hold true.
The binaural beat percept
let take a loudspeaker. We’ll play two sine waves, one with a frequency of 440 Hertz (cycles per seconds) and one of 446 Hertz. The sound travels to your ear and the two waves interact with each other, either cancelling each other out or amplifying each other. The sound waxes and wanes periodically: this is called a beat, specifically a monaural beat.
Two waves of different frequencies (red and blue signals) added to create a third signal (bottom panel, pink). This new signal contains a 6 Hz beat (e.g., a 6 cycle per second rhythm). The red and blue signals and also show behind the new signal.
The frequency of the beat is equal to the differences in frequency between the two original sine waves – in this case, 6 Hertz.
Now, let’s take a set of headphones. We’ll split the two waves, and play a sine wave of 440 Hertz in your left ear and a sine wave of 446 Hertz in your right ear. Now, what do you hear?
Again, you’ll hear a beat of 6 Hertz. But now there is no room for the two waves to physically interact – it is all in your head. While monaural beats can be heard when you listen with both ears, one ear is enough to perceive them (hence “monaural” from the Latin phrase “with one ear”). Binaural beats, however, can only be perceived with both ears, hence their name derives from “with both ears”. They also differ in how you perceive them: monaural beats pulse from very loud to silent, while binaural beats only change slightly in volume.
We still do not know for sure which brain regions are involved in generating the binaural beat percept. A part of the brain called the superior olivary nucleus may be one such region, but this is not yet certain.
Heinrich Wilhelm Dove, a German experimenter, first discovered binaural beats in 1839. Much of what we know about binaural beats comes from an article by Gerald Oster, published in Scientific American in 1973. Oster envisioned binaural beats as a tool in research and medicine, allowing researchers to investigate the neuronal basis of hearing.
He might be surprised if he did a quick Google search to see what binaural beats are used for today. A whole industry has been built on the illusion (as we’ll see) that binaural beats improve your wellbeing. These claims range from helping you meditate, increasing your IQ, making you relax and sleep, promoting creativity, reducing anxiety, to activating your self-healing abilities.
In September, the pharmaceutical company Bayer released seven tracks of binaural beats on its Austrian website. Presented under the title “Good Vibes for our brain – powered by Aspirin”, the website proposes that binaural beats are “a pleasant and easy way to e.g. alleviate headaches through relaxation”.
One way in which binaural beats may influence brain waves is through entrainment. Entrainment here means that the activity of your EEG becomes similar to a certain frequency set by an external stimulus.
The researchers found that beats can modulate oscillations and phase synchronization. But for binaural beats, they mostly observed a decrease in EEG power and phase synchronization. This means that there are weaker brain waves at the frequency of the beat, and the EEG phases across the brain fall more out of sync. Only when the patients listened to 10 Hz and 40 Hz binaural beats did EEG power increase, i.e., there were stronger brain waves at these frequencies. This entrainment had previously been described for 40 Hz binaural beats.
But will binaural beats make your headache go away? You can test it on yourself when your head hurts next time – but science says: we just don’t know, yet.
Binaural beats are not digital drugs
Now, could this entrainment really have an effect on your memory, creativity or pain perception? It is probably safest to say that the jury is still out on this question. A 2015 review of the available literature summarized several studies on the effect of binaural beats on memory, creativity, attention, anxiety, mood and vigilance. The authors concluded that for most of these applications, findings are either contradictory or only supported by a single study. The only consistent finding was that several studies reported that binaural beat stimulation reduces anxiety levels. How anxiety is reduced, however, is not yet understood.
One study suggested that binaural beats may increase relaxation after exercise. However, the subjects in this study listened to binaural beats in the theta range, 4-7 Hertz. Another study reported that study participants subjectively rated pain lower after they listened to binaural beats at 8, 10 and 12 Hertz, i.e., in the alpha range. So while there is no definite proof that binaural beats increase relaxation or reduce pain, further research may back this idea up.
And this is the problem with binaural beat research – we still do not know how the illusion of binaural beats is generated in our brains, or which brain networks are affected by them. If we knew, experimental standards could be harmonized and optimized to probe and report the effects of binaural beats more accurately. As it is, protocols vary widely between different studies – from which wave ranges are tested to how long subjects listen to beats and what background frequencies are used. All of these may impact the effect of binaural beats on brain waves, mood or pain – but we don’t know it.
Just a few examples of how funny these beats are: older people can detect beats in the gamma range, but not as accurately as younger people. Men and women may perceive binaural beats differently, and perception may change throughout the menstrual cycle. Given that we can’t explain these observations, we need to properly understand binaural beats before we can probe their effect. And yes, music might help you relax, and this might improve your headache – or mood, anxiety, creativity, or sleep. But will binaural beats make your headache go away? You can test it on yourself when your head hurts next – but science says: we just don’t know, yet.
October 24, 2021
What are the biggest safety challenges for (Sex Positive) online dating? And what are the 7 Best strategies to keep ourselves safe?
What are the biggest safety challenges for (Sex Positive) online dating? And what are the 7 Best strategies to keep ourselves safe?
The Challenges & Solution To Online Dating
Online dating is a system of affectionate connections between two individuals over the internet. The goal of this communication might vary as some get involved in this romantic gesture for reasons like grade, intimacy, finances, etc.
*This research was paid for by and
A wide range of platforms offers these services based on individual profiles. But, first, you have to create a portfolio and upload content(video, image, or text) that intrigues the intended partner to pick interest in you.
Lizzy and Me Hello kinky kitty @Foxtail
Creating a profile on most services enables you to access other’s information and decide if it is appropriate to initiate a conversation or not. Then, based on preference, members can limit interaction to online space or take the communication to another level by meeting physically.
The challenges of online dating
A popular challenge of online dating is that a partner might be skeptical about providing authentic information about themselves. Although you are communicating with a natural person, the personal details provided by the one you are relating with might not be what you assume. Most times, trauma from this dishonesty can damage someone’s life.
The addition of the internet has made dating more complicated and frustrating. Before current civilization, dating used to be a face-to-face interaction where people get to know the kind of person that interests them. Still, now, numerous applications make it easy to meet people.
Individuals used to online dating might find it challenging to meet people in real life, thereby depriving them of possible opportunities. Similarly, as someone that spends more duration on a dating platform, meeting for the first time might be challenging as you have to think of your safety, especially for women.
Although everyone has a choice as to what makes them comfortable in the aspect of safety precaution, there are essential tips to consider in the first encounter meeting, some of which include meeting in a public place.
Similarly, inform a family member, friend, or colleague of your outing and provide the online details and picture of the person you want to meet as you don’t leave your meal or drink unattended throughout the expedition.
Although online dating helped numerous individuals find their soulmates. However, do not get carried away with it, as these services can affect your mental health and self-esteem. The internet provides an avenue for individuals to connect irrespective of social class. As clarified above, choosing online dating to communicate with new people depends on preference.
Seven strategies to stay safe during online dating
Don’t give out excess information about yourself
Yes, you indeed need to introduce yourself and let your partner know a bit about you. However, it is hazardous to share vital information with someone you don’t know personally. So avoid questions like where do you live? How much do you earn? Where do you work?
Don’t feel ashamed to say “NO.”
If you notice the conversation is getting too lengthy and your partner is asking too much, you have a right to say “NO.” However, some individuals might feel reluctant to reply because they feel it may turn off their partner.
Well, it is best to protect yourself from heartbreak or fraud by keeping vital information to yourself. Then, whenever you have a conversation with anyone, you change your mind and don’t feel uncomfortable saying “NO.”
Ensure to meet only at a public place
Irrespective of how you feel about your online friend or partner. It is essential to emphasize that you should only meet them in public places for your safety. You can decide to meet at an eatery, stadium, cinema, etc. The location you should suggest must be where you can quickly get security access if an unwanted event occurs.
Inform someone if you plan to meet your friend/partner
Don’t make the mistake of going out with someone you meet online without informing a close relative or friend. First, give them details of the person you want to meet and the expected time you should be back. Then, during the conversation with your online date, ensure your friend checks up on you periodically.
If there is a need for driving, drive yourself
Don’t allow your online date to pick you up at the designated place. Take public transport if you don’t have a personal car. Irrespective of how friendly the person sounds online, first think of your security.
Stay alert
You need a little bit of courage when dealing with online dates. Furthermore, you can decide to stay away from alcohol or anything that will make you feel tipsy during the meeting. If you get drunk mistakenly, call a cab and go home.
If you notice any irregularities, take action
When you feel uncomfortable anywhere, don’t be afraid to leave. In addition, pay attention to your environment and conversation. Finally, if you sense any terrible vibes, feel free to leave.
Online dating is safe and fun if you pay attention to necessary information and consider your safety utmost. As clarified above, if you sense any irregularities during the meeting, don’t feel threatened to leave.